Prossimo rilascio Catalyst 7.10 "Shoot Em Up" Driver

In questi giorni è comparsa una news molto interessante, circa le nuove potenzialità dei nuovi driver che Amd/Ati rilascerà nei prossimi giorni, si tratta dei Catalyst 7.10 "Shoot Em Up" e stando alle notizie riportare dal sito AmdZone a questo indirizzo le cose si fanno molto interessanti, ovviamente saranno tutte da verificare.

Riportiamo quello che è scritto direttamente dal sito:

AMD is happy to announce our latest driver, Catalyst 7.10, will be posted this week. We are bringing this to your attention because this driver brings some incredible performance optimizations and is a must-have for all ATI Radeon™ users. Dubbed the “Shoot Em Up”, we currently have a Windows Vista® version ready for an early look.

Please feel free to benchmark this driver and notify your readers of some of the early observations we have made with the Catalyst 7.10 “Shoot Em Up” driver:
  • Battlefield 2142 Crossfire™ performance improves 5-23% on the ATI Radeon™ HD 2600, ATI Radeon™ HD 2400 and ATI Radeon™ X1300/X1550 series
  • Call of Duty 2 performance improves up to 6.7% on both single card and Crossfire ATI Radeon HD 2600 and ATI Radeon HD 2400 configurations
  • Call of Juarez DirectX® 10 Crossfire performance improves up to 42% and single card performance improves up to 34% on all ATI Radeon™ HD 2000 series products.
  • Company of Heroes DirectX 10 Crossfire performance improves up to 80% on all ATI Radeon HD 2000 series products and single card performance improves as much as 31% on ATI Radeon™ HD 2900 and ATI Radeon HD 2600 products
  • Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Crossfire performance improves as much as 23% on ATI Radeon™ 1000 series products and single card performance improves as much as 23% on both ATI Radeon HD 2000 and ATI Radeon 1000 series products
  • FEAR Crossfire performance improves as much as 16% on the ATI Radeon™ X1950 XTX, ATI Radeon™ X1650 XT, ATI Radeon HD 2400 series and ATI Radeon X1300/X1550 series
  • Supreme Commander Crossfire performance improves up to 30% on all ATI Radeon HD 2000 and ATI Radeon 1000 series products. The ATI Radeon™ X1650 and ATI Radeon X1300/X1550 series products see even greater improvements of 82% or more.

Come si intuisce se la notizia fosse confermata, sarebbe un incremento di performance molto sostanzioso che riguarda tutta la serie HD2000 ma anche alla vecchia serie X1000.

Gianni Marotta
